$Id: INSTALL.txt,v 1.2 2009/06/05 14:11:25 pixture Exp $


1. Create the folder 'modules/antispam'

2. Copy all modules files, keeping directory structure, to the
   folder 'modules/antispam'

3. Enable the antispam module in 'admin/modules'

4. Visit 'admin/settings/antispam' and enter your API key for the
   selected antispam service provider.
   You may wish to review and adapt the other options to suit
   your needs.

5. Check new permissions added by this module at 'admin/access'.

6. You're done.


Should you wish to uninstall this module, you may proceed as follows:

1. Disable the antispam module in 'admin/modules'.

2. Uninstall the antispam module in 'admin/modules'.

3. You're done.

NOTE: All the data stored in the database for the antispam module
will be deleted when you perform the step 2. If you may want to enable
and use it again in the future, do only the step 1.